White Papers & Reference Sources

Additional reading and key reference sources that have informed the Future Grid Accelerator concepts and terms.

White Papers

Survive, Thrive or Decline?

Organisational characteristics for surviving and thriving a once-in-a-century scale of grid transformation

Mark Paterson September 2022

With many examples of sectoral transformations up-ending other industries, there is much the power sector can learn from navigating its own transformation.

Like the modernising aerospace sector before it, a decarbonising electricity sector faces unprecedented new levels of whole-system complexity that now exceed many of its traditional tools, navigational approaches and organisational biases.

New levels of strategic imperative, futures-competence, structural agility and organisational learning, couple with best-in-class tools for ‘taming’ the inherently complex, will all be key to the organisations that shape the future.

A Gambit for Grid 2035

A systematic look into the disruptive dynamics underway

Pacific Energy Institute Fellows, April 2021

Systems Architecture

Critical Disciplines for Taming Complexity and Navigating to ‘Net Zero’ Power Systems

Mark Paterson October 2022

Australia is experiencing one of the fastest power system transformations on the planet and provides a window on the future for many jurisdictions.

It also illustrates the need for shared, evidence-based methodologies for enhancing multi-stakeholder collaboration and ‘taming’ deep complexity.

Australia’s national science agency CSIRO together with AEMO have spearheaded the nation’s contribution to the Global Power System Transformation (G-PST) initiative. 

Under this initiative, Strategen Consulting undertook a detailed analysis of the wide range of global approaches to navigating this level of systemic complexity.

Key Sources

AEMC. (2022, January). Energy Terminology.

AEMC. (2019, November). National Electricity Rules Version 126 – Chapter 10 Glossary

AEMO. (2022, April). Australian Energy Sector Cyber Security Framework.

AEMO. (2018, May). Coordination of DERs; International System Architecture Insights for Future Market Design.

AEMO. (2020, December). NEM Engineering Framework – Introductory Pack.

AEMO. (2020, July). 2020 Integrated System Plan.

AEMO. (2020, July). Power System Requirements – Reference Paper

AEMO. (2021, March). NEM Engineering Framework March 2021 Report.

AEMO | Energy Explained: System Strength

AGL. (2019, August). Firm support for an evolving energy mix.

ARENA. (2021, February). The State of DER Technology Integration Report.

Australian National University (ANU). (2020, November). ARENA – The Distributed Energy Integration Program – Dynamic Operating Envelopes Workstream.

Australian National University (ANU). (2020, September). ARENA – On the Calculation and use of dynamic operating envelopes.

Clean Energy Council. (2019, March). Firming renewables – A Commercial Perspective.

Dynamic Limits. (2020, August). The Role of Decentralised Control for Managing Network Constraints for DER on Regional, Rural and Remote Networks.

Energy Security Board. (2021, April). ESB Post 2025 Market Design Project – Options Part A.

Energy Security Board. (2021, April). ESB Post 2025 Market Design Project – Options Part B.

IBERDROLA. High, medium and low voltage: do you know the difference?

IEC. (2009, June). 60038:2009.

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Energy Systems Catapult. (2017, December). ESC – Future Power System Architecture 2.2 – Main Report.

ISGAN. (2020, December). Lessons Learned from International Projects on TSO-DSO interaction. Clean Energy Ministerial, IEA-ISGAN.

ISGAN. (2020, December). Lessons Learned from International Projects on TSO-DSO interaction.

Monash University. (2019, July). Smart Energy City Introductory Report.

My Electrical Engineering. (2012, May). Network Theory – Introduction and Review.

OpenEI. (2017, April). Smart Grid Glossary

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2022, May).  Understanding Power Systems Protection in the Clean Energy Future.  

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. (2017, July). Platforms as an Architectural Concept.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. (2017, June). Electric Grid Market-Control Structure.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. (2019, September). Selected Grid Architecture Principles & Consequences.

South Australian Power Networks. (2021, May). Advanced VPN Grid Integration Final Report.

US Dept of Energy Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium. (2016, July). Grid Architecture Glossary

US Dept of Energy Office of Electricity & Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis. (2019, November). MODERN DISTRIBUTION GRID (DSPx): Volume I.

US Dept of Energy Office of Electricity & Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis. (2019, November). Modern Distribution Grid Volume II.

US Dept of Energy Office of Electricity & Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis. (2019, November). Modern Distribution Grid (DSPx) – Volume II: Advanced Technology Maturity Assessment

US Dept of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability. (2017, June). Modern Distribution Grid – Decision Guide Volume III

US Energy Information Administration. Glossary.

WA Govt Energy Policy WA. (2022, May). DER Roadmap: DER Orchestration Roles & Responsibilities Information Paper

WA Govt Energy Transformation Taskforce. (2019, December). WA Energy Taskforce – DER Roadmap.

WA Govt Energy Transformation Taskforce. (2020, August). Issues Paper – DER Roadmap: DER Orchestration Roles and Responsibilities.

What’s Watt. Firming the future: Balancing supply and demand as the energy grid evolves.