The current and emerging functions and protocols that need to be executed across the Transmission-Distribution Interface (TDI)The physical point(s) at which the upstream Bulk Power Syste... in their formalised and increasingly automated forms.
Key areas of priority are expected to include enhanced, low latency data exchange relevant to the joint management of FrequencyThe number of cycles occurring in each second in an Alternat..., VoltageThe electrical force or electric potential between two point..., Congestion, Energy Flows, Essential System Services (ESS)A set of critical physics-based services required to maintai... and Supply Demand BalanceWhere the amount of Electricity provided by Generation Plant....
Underpinned by appropriate decisions about the enabling Systems ArchitectureA formal element of Systems Engineering, which enables objec... of the relevant GridA generic term used to describe either the Power System as a..., the TDIM will play a key role in supporting the next generation of end-to-end VisibilityThe degree to which information on Energy Resource character..., Operational Coordination and Resource AdequacyThe ability of the Power System to supply the total aggregat... analysis.