
Conventional pricing models that provide the basis how Customers are billed for their use of Electricity provided by the Power System in a manner designed to cover the costs of generating, transmitting, and distributing Electricity. Following are a sample of key concepts relevant to alternative Tariffs/Rates models:

  1. Volumetric Tariffs/Rates: Pricing solely based on the units of Energy used by a Customer over a period of time. The intensity of the Customer’s instantaneous Power requirement are not reflected. 
  2. Time-of-Use (TOU): Pricing that varies to signal times where Demand on the Power System is higher or lower, with prices typically increasing as Demand increases.  TOU seeks to encourage Customers to shift their Electricity usage to times of lower demand.
  3. Tiered Tariffs/Rates: Units of pricing that vary for different levels of Energy consumption.
  4. Seasonal Tariffs: Pricing that is adjusted for times of the year where significant Load types increase, such as heating and cooling loads.  
  5. Fixed Charges:  Flat fees paid regardless of the actual volume of Energy consumed and/or level of instantaneous Power required. Fixed charges are typically designed to cover the costs associated with maintaining the Electricity infrastructure where volumetric tariffs/rates are not able to equitably apportion these costs.
  6. Demand Charges: In addition to volumetric consumption of Energy, demand charges reflect the Customer’s highest level of instantaneous Power required over a specific period. 

Given the fast-evolving nature of power system transformation, the Future Grid Accelerator (FGA) has the status of a perpetual BETA version. Your suggestions for how each concept and definition may be enhanced are very welcome.

All feedback will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in subsequent updates.

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