A formal element of Systems EngineeringAn established engineering discipline applied in numerous se..., which enables objective, collective reasoning about the underpinning StructureThe stable relationships, linkages and interdependencies tha... or ArchitectureA holistic conceptual model that details how the many Compon... of a complex System, together with its ComponentsA generic term for the uniquely identifiable elements, build..., InterfacesA boundary-level connection between Entities or Systems, whi..., Feedback LoopsA process whereby a measurement of the output of a system is... and other behaviours.
This is particularly important as the Architecture of a System always has a disproportionate and irreducible influence on what the System can reliably and efficiently perform. As such, a System is not the sum of its parts, but the product of the interactions of those parts as enabled by its underpinning Architecture.
While having a major impact on the performance of any System, Architecture is usually less tangible and harder to discern than the Components of the System. Therefore, the SystemsA set of Components that are formally related together by a ... Architecture discipline provides formal tools for examining how all the Components of a system are related together by the underpinning Architecture, the Emergent behaviours that arise through their interactions, and the most robust options for making changes where required.
Systems Architecture disciplines, therefore, help stakeholders visualise and make more informed decisions about the relationships embedded in the legacy System, including how they might best be adapted to ensure the System is ready to meet future needs.