Power Systems Architecture (PSA)

An integrated set of disciplines that support the structural transformation of legacy Power Systems, enabling them reliably and efficiently meet emerging future Customer & Societal Objectives including but not limited to deep decarbonisation goals. At its most fundamental, PSA reflects the application of Systems Engineering to the transformation of Power System.

By recognising each Power System as an ultra-complex Network of Structures, the PSA methodologies are uniquely designed to provide:

a) Whole-system insight over 5, 10 and 20-year time horizons, enabling the interrogation and mapping of current, emerging and future Power System priorities and objectives including the Roles & Responsibilities, Operational Coordination and Co-optimisation across all vertical Tiers/Layers;

b) Evidence-based tools to identify, analyse and shortlist key transformational options through the combination of Systems Architecture, Network Theory, Control Theory, Systems Science and Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) supported by Strategic Foresight, Behavioural Science and Energy Economics; and;

c) Future-resilient decision making by surfacing hidden structural constraints early which may otherwise propagate a range of Architectural Issues including computational constraints, latency cascading and cyber-security vulnerabilities, providing greater assurance that new investments will be Scalable and Extensible under all plausible futures.

As such, PSA provides a formalised toolkit for decomposing and ‘taming’ the massive Complexity inherent to a transforming Power System. The PSA toolkit empowers more informed, multi-stakeholder participation by making critical content explicit and tractable that would otherwise remain opaque and intractable. It is designed to enhance decision quality, timeliness and traceability to support full benefits-realisation and avoid the propagation of unintended consequences.

Refer also to Layered Future Architecture, Centralised Future Architecture and Digital Architecture ≠ Power System Architecture.

Given the fast-evolving nature of power system transformation, the Future Grid Accelerator (FGA) has the status of a perpetual BETA version. Your suggestions for how each concept and definition may be enhanced are very welcome.

All feedback will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in subsequent updates.

Please provide your suggestions to improve to this definition: