An entity that combines the functions of the Market OperatorThe Market Operator (MO) is responsible for operating an org... and System OperatorThe is responsible for maintaining the System Security and R... to ensure secure, reliable and efficient provision of ElectricityA form of Energy and set of physical phenomena that result f... services with a primary focus on the Bulk Power SystemThe large-scale Generation Plant and other Energy Resources ....
At the highest level, this will include responsibility for:
a) System forecasting and planning: to ensure Resource AdequacyThe ability of the Power System to supply the total aggregat... and Integrated System Planning over various time horizons;
b) Real-time system operation: maintaining System SecurityThe ability to continue operating the Power System within de... and the instantaneous management of Supply Demand BalanceWhere the amount of Electricity provided by Generation Plant...; and,
c) Market operations: to value, incentivise, procure and coordinate the provision of EnergyElectrical Energy is the product of electrical Power and tim..., PowerElectrical represents rate at which Energy is transferred th..., System FlexibilityThe ability of the Power System to respond to both expected ... and Essential System Services (ESS)A set of critical physics-based services required to maintai....