
A robust architectural approach based on Layered Decomposition, is widely applied in highly complex computing and communication networks, and key to avoiding the propagation of Architectural Issues in transforming Power Systems.

In conventional Power Systems, however, core functions have been arranged in ‘vertical’ structures and siloes. When experiencing significant change, these vertical structures exacerbate integration issues, compromise solution Scalability and Extensibility and result in more brittle, less resilient and higher cost outcomes.

The intrinsic properties of a Layered Future Architecture make it fit-for-purpose in a context where the Power Systems is moving from a few hundred to tens of millions of participating Energy Resources. These include:

a) End-to-end system Visibility, Operational Coordination and Operability outcomes are significantly enhanced;
b) The relatively stable core Power Systems functions are kept entirely separate from Applications, which be changed or upgraded more frequently without impacting the critical core functions;
c) Each vertical Tier/Layer of the Power Systems can insulate the Tier/Layer immediately above from changes in the Tier/Layer immediately below, and vice versa (i.e. preventing changes at one level from being propagated through the entire System);
d) The ability of third parties to create applications that leverage the platform via open standard interfaces is enhanced; and,
e) Changes or upgrades in end-use or third-party applications are decoupled from impacting underlying core functions and capabilities.

Refer also to Centralised Future Architecture.

Given the fast-evolving nature of power system transformation, the Future Grid Accelerator (FGA) has the status of a perpetual BETA version. Your suggestions for how each concept and definition may be enhanced are very welcome.

All feedback will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in subsequent updates.

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