A vision of the future Power SystemA critical societal System that, in the case of GW-scale gri... that is informed by the computationally scalable Layered DecompositionA formally established mathematical technique employed in ma... model applied to other highly complex, networked SystemsA set of Components that are formally related together by a ....
The approach enables maximum system optimisation through each vertical Tier/LayerThe vertical layers of a GW-scale Power System including the... of the system being managed by the EntityA specific institution, company or natural person that can b... with greatest proximity to the physics and economics of that specific Tier/Layer. The resulting vertically federated relationships allow the formally responsible Entity to focus on the optimal operation of their specific Tier/Layer, and its beneficial inter-operation with the layer immediately above and below.
For example, in its most mature future state, the Distribution System would be wholly managed by the Distribution System Operator (DSO)A future-oriented set of capabilities required in a high-CER.... The Market/System Operator (MSO)An entity that combines the functions of the Market Operator... would then see each Transmission-Distribution Interface (TDI)The physical point(s) at which the upstream Bulk Power Syste... as a single virtual resource. In turn, the DSO would also see a MicrogridA group of interconnected Customer Loads, Generation Plant a... or Embedded NetworkA localised electricity network that is connected to the wid... within its Distribution System as a single virtual resource.
Applied to a transforming GW-scale Power System, Layered Decomposition has a beneficial simplifying effect that enhances the System SecurityThe ability to continue operating the Power System within de..., ReliabilityThe degree to which electric service that meets applicable u..., ResilienceThe ability of the Power System to avoid or withstand stress..., ScalabilityAn architectural characteristic that takes the future scale ... and economic efficiency of any system. It avoids the perpetuation of numerous Architectural IssuesFollowing are seven important structural issues that System ... inherent to legacy structures and drive systemic fragility. It also enables each Entity to focus on their specific Tier/Layer with confidence that the layers immediately above and below are being managed within pre-agreed formal protocols.
To extend the above illustration, the layered approach provides the MSO with sufficient certainty about downstream operations, confirmed via ongoing status-reporting at the system interfaces, relieving it of the need for detailed VisibilityThe degree to which information on Energy Resource character... and ControllabilityThe ability for the operation of a System or Energy Resource... at the Distribution NetworkA network that transports Electricity from the Bulk Supply P... level.