Industry/Market Structure

The range of Entities involved in operating an end-to-end Power System, across its vertical Tiers/Layers and various markets, and within the boundaries of their formal Roles and Responsibilities, as set out in the legal and regulatory arrangements of a specific jurisdiction.  Some examples of these Entities include:

  1. Market/System Operator (MSO);
  2. Generators;
  3. Transmission Network providers;
  4. Distribution Network providers;
  5. Distribution System Operators (DSO);
  6. Energy Retailers;
  7. Aggregators; and,
  8. Participating Active DER/CER owner-investors.

Given the fast-evolving nature of power system transformation, the Future Grid Accelerator (FGA) has the status of a perpetual BETA version. Your suggestions for how each concept and definition may be enhanced are very welcome.

All feedback will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in subsequent updates.

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