The range of EntitiesA specific institution, company or natural person that can b... involved in operating an end-to-end Power SystemA critical societal System that, in the case of GW-scale gri..., across its vertical Tiers/LayersThe vertical layers of a GW-scale Power System including the... and various markets, and within the boundaries of their formal Roles and Responsibilities, as set out in the legal and regulatory arrangements of a specific jurisdiction. Some examples of these Entities include:
- Market/System Operator (MSO)An entity that combines the functions of the Market Operator...;
- GeneratorsAn entity that owns, operates and maintains large-scale Gene...;
- Transmission NetworkThe High Voltage (HV) network that transports Power over lon... providers;
- Distribution NetworkA network that transports Electricity from the Bulk Supply P... providers;
- Distribution System Operators (DSO)A future-oriented set of capabilities required in a high-CER...;
- Energy RetailersAn entity that trades wholesale and other Energy services as...;
- AggregatorsAn Entity that brings together and Orchestrates a fleet of E...; and,
- Participating Active CER/DERConsumer Energy Resources (CER/DER) capable of automatically... owner-investors.