The ability of the Power SystemA critical societal System that, in the case of GW-scale gri... to respond to both expected and unexpected changes in the Supply Demand BalanceWhere the amount of Electricity provided by Generation Plant..., including Generation PlantAn Energy Resource primarily designed for production of Elec... failures, fluctuations in Variable Renewable Energy (VRE)A generic term for Generation Plant that are powered by rene... output and variations in DemandThe electricity needed at a point in time, expressed as kilo... over all necessary timeframes.
Historically, dispatchable Synchronous GenerationA Generation Plant which is directly connected to the Power ... provided the majority of SystemA set of Components that are formally related together by a ... Flexibility. As the proportion of Synchronous Generation declines, and growing levels of operational VolatilityThe propensity of rapid and/or unpredictable change, especia... are experienced with the scale deployment of VRE and Consumer Energy Resources (CER/DER)A diverse range of small to medium scale energy resources th..., large volumes of Flexibility services will be needed from a wide range of new sources. This is expected to include:
a) Pumped HydroA type of Hydroelectric Generation Plant where two water res... resources;
b) Large-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)An electrochemical Energy Storage (ES) device that stores th...;
c) Millions of participating Consumer Energy Resources (CER/DER) including small-scale BESS; and,
d) Much deeper sector couplings with adjacent energy vectors (gas, hydrogen, etc), transport systems and industrial processes.