Electric Product Value

The sustainable economic value of Electric Products provided by merchant or private Energy Resources to support secure, efficient Power System operations and/or defer or avoid system augmentation. 

The value that Electric Products provide the Grid varies temporally and spatially.  In general, their financial value will increase where provision is highly correlated with the needs of the Power System at a given time, geographic segment and/or vertical Tier/Layer, all of which vary dynamically.  

As Power Systems experience increasing Volatility and the types and locations of Energy Resources evolve, advanced forms of Operational Coordination will be needed to strengthen this correlation in a manner that enhances the dynamic provision of: 

  1. Electric Products: The required ‘3Rs’ physics-based service(s): Real Power, Reactive Power and Reserves;  
  1. Timing: At the right time: days, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds; and, 
  1. Location: At the right geographic segment or vertical Tier/Layer of the Power System. 

Given the fast-evolving nature of power system transformation, the Future Grid Accelerator (FGA) has the status of a perpetual BETA version. Your suggestions for how each concept and definition may be enhanced are very welcome.

All feedback will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in subsequent updates.

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