Distribution System Operator (DSO)

An entity responsible for the planning, operation and optimisation of a Distribution System with high levels of Distributed Energy Resource (DER/CER), Electric Vehicles (EV) and other Flexible Resources. Depending on the DSO model implemented, this may include the following functions:

  1. Implement advanced, scenario-based modelling of DER/CER and EV uptake and operation, bi-directional power flows and Distribution System operations;
  2. Establish Distribution System State Estimation (DSSE) and near real-time Visibility across the network; 
  3. Dynamically manage the network within the technical constraints and hosting capacity of distribution assets, including computation and issuing of Dynamic Operating Envelopes (DOEs);
  4. Advance the transition to more cost and value-reflective pricing in broad-based tariff reform and establish bilateral reserve contracts for short and long-term emergency support of distribution security;
  5. Implement Integrated Distribution Planning (IDP) to medium-long term network requirements, incorporating non-network alternatives;
  6. Actively identify opportunities for aging network assets to be progressively replaced with Microgrid, individual Stand-alone Power Systems and/or grid-connected Energy Storage solutions;
  7. Analysis and evidence-based determination of the temporal and locational value of Electric Products provided by DER/CER to the Distribution System;
  8. Establish and operate a Flexibility Market or Network Services Market that enables more close-coupled ‘market-control’ alignment at the distribution Tier/Layer;
  9. Provide real and near real-time data flows to relevant Distributed Data Sharing Infrastructure(s); and,
  10. Work collaboratively with the Market/System Operator (MSO) across the Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Mechanism (TDIM) relevant to the DSO’s service territory.

In many contexts, the DSO role is likely to emerge through a progressive expansion of the function of Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSP).

Given the fast-evolving nature of power system transformation, the Future Grid Accelerator (FGA) has the status of a perpetual BETA version. Your suggestions for how each concept and definition may be enhanced are very welcome.

All feedback will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in subsequent updates.

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