Systems Engineering

An integrated set of disciplines that support the holistic structural transformation of legacy power systems to meet future policy and customer expectations.


In the context of the Systems Architecture discipline, the Architect is a professional specialising in the management of systemic Complexity. Cognisant of the entire System,

Architectural Issues

Following are seven important structural issues that System Architecture disciplines can help identify and avoid, which will otherwise negatively impact the System Security, Reliability and Economic


Every functioning System created by humans has an architectural Structure. Simplistically, if the boxes in a Block Diagram represent the Components, the Architecture is represented

Block Diagram

A diagram showing in schematic form the general arrangement of the Components of complex System together with the Structures that link them together to achieve


An approach to problem solving and/or the design of a System that starts from the most basic or primitive and moves incrementally to higher level

Centralised Future Architecture

A vision of a future Power System that is a logical extension of the Centralised Legacy Architecture, in that it aspires to whole-of-system operations being

Centralised Legacy Architecture

A conventional Power System structure that is the product of Architecture choices made in a historical context where almost all Electricity was provided by centralised

Complex Adaptive System (CAS)

A System consisting of a large number of dynamically interacting Components (Entities, elements and/or agents) which adapt and evolve over time in response to their


A System is complex if it has many interrelated, interconnected, or interdependent entities and relationships. A high-level indicator of the complexity of any System is


A generic term for the uniquely identifiable elements, building blocks, organisations, devices and applications which are related together by a Structure to enable the purposes