7x Grid Structures

Foundational concepts that underpin a working knowledge of conventional, transforming and future power systems.

Electricity Infrastructure (Power Flows)

Infrastructures and subsystems that provide for the generation and physical movement of Electricity across the end-to-end Power System, including Generation Plant, Transmission Networks, Distribution Networks,

Governance/Regulatory Structure

The range of Entities involved in the governance and regulation of an end-to-end Power System and its related markets, as set out in the legal

Industry/Market Structure

The range of Entities involved in operating an end-to-end Power System, across its vertical Tiers/Layers and various markets, and within the boundaries of their formal

Network of Structures

A modern Power System consists of an ultra-complex web of seven distinct, inter-dependent Structures. Viewed from a whole-system perspective, the is a Network of Structures

Operational Coordination Structure

Infrastructures and Subsystems that support the systematic operational alignment of both Utility and non-Utility assets as Power Systems move from hundreds to tens of millions

Sector Coupling Structures

As decarbonisation advances, the proactive management of Interfaces between the Power System and other sectors becomes an increasingly critical part of enabling a more flexible

Transactional Structure

Infrastructures and Subsystems that provide for the valuation, procurement, sale and measurement of Energy, Capacity and Essential System Services (ESS) at any Tier/Layer of the