Power Systems 101

Foundational concepts that underpin a working knowledge of conventional, transforming and future power systems.


A generic term used to describe either the Power System as a whole or the Transmission Networks and Distribution Networks in particular.

Grid Architecture

The seminal program of work advanced by the United States Department of and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to develop a comprehensive set of

Hosting Capacity

The amount of Distributed Photovoltaics (DPV) that can be accommodated within a Distribution Network, or a specific segment of the network, without adversely affecting security,


The ability of the Power System to resist changes in Frequency.  Inertia has traditionally been provided as a by-product of the operation of Synchronous Generators


High Voltage (HV) powerlines that link Transmission Networks serving adjacent regions.


The term used to characterise a Generating Plant whose output is not readily predictable.  Most commonly, this includes Solar Photovoltaic, Wind Turbine and Run-of-river Hydro

Loss Factor

A multiplier used to describe the energy loss that occurs when Electricity is used or transmitted.

Market/System Operator (MSO)

An entity that combines the functions of the Market Operator and System Operator to ensure secure, reliable and efficient provision of Electricity services with a