Power Systems 101

Foundational concepts that underpin a working knowledge of conventional, transforming and future power systems.

Active Power

Measured in MW, is the component of electrical Power that is delivered to the user to perform useful work. is also commonly referred to as


An Entity that brings together and Orchestrates a fleet of Energy Resources, including Distributed Energy Resources (DER/CER), for the purpose of providing one or more

Alternating Current (AC)

Utilised by most GW-scale Power Systems globally, Alternating systems involve the polarity of the electric charge rapidly alternating from positive to negative, commonly at a

Apparent Power

The product of voltage and current in an AC circuit, measured in volt-amperes (VA). It is the vector resultant of Real Power and Reactive Power.


Every functioning System created by humans has an architectural Structure. Simplistically, if the boxes in a Block Diagram represent the Components, the Architecture is represented

Black Start

The procedure to recover from a total or partial shutdown of the Power System. Black Start services to the wider have traditionally been provided by

Bulk Power System

The large-scale Generation Plant and other Energy Resources that are interconnected by the long distance Transmission Network and generally operated at voltages of 100kV or

Bulk Supply Point (BSP)

The point at which Electricity supplied by the Transmission Network is delivered to the Distribution Network.