Markets & System Operations

Key market and system concepts relevant to the operation of conventional, transforming and future power systems.

Electric Product Value

The sustainable economic value of Electric Products provided by merchant or private Energy Resources to support secure, efficient Power System operations and/or defer or avoid system

Electric Products

The valuable physics-based services that may be provided to the Power System by Consumer Energy Resources (CER/DER) in exchange for some form of value or additional

Essential System Services (ESS)

A set of critical physics-based services required to maintain the Frequency of a Power System within acceptable limits and respond to unexpected disturbances or events.


Market/System Operators (MSO), Network Providers and Energy Retailers require a high level confidence that Energy Resources will available when required by the Power System. The

Flexibility Market

A market that provides the means to monitor flows of Energy and dynamically create value-based signals that incentivise changes in Supply and Demand.

Forward Market

A market in which Electricity is bought and sold for delivery at a future date, such as a month, season or year ahead.

Integrated Resource Planning (IRP)

A holistic approach to Power System design that recognises a growing volume of Energy Resources will be LV-connected and must be considered as an integrated

Load-following Paradigm

The traditional operational paradigm of Power Systems where large-scale centralised generation is dispatched to match electrical Demand as it varies across periods of time (seconds,

Market Operator (MO)

The Market Operator (MO) is responsible for operating an organised market for the commercial exchange of Energy and related products and services on behalf of