An EntityA specific institution, company or natural person that can b... that brings together and OrchestratesThe coordination of dispatchable Energy Resources, includi... a fleet of Energy ResourcesA universal term for all technologies that provide one or se..., including Distributed Energy Resources (DER)A diverse range of small to medium scale Energy Resources th..., for the purpose of providing one or more Electric ProductsThe valuable physics-based services that may be provided to ... to different Tiers/LayersThe vertical layers of a GW-scale Power System including the... of the Power SystemA critical societal System that, in the case of GW-scale gri....
Key functions and goals are to:
- Agree with CustomersThe human individuals, families, organisations, institutions... the commercial terms and conditions of orchestrating their DER/CER;
- Maximise the value of the Electric Products by providing them to the vertical Tier/Layer(s) of the Power System with the most urgent need and/or where they attract premium value;
- Compute optimal dispatch configurations across their DER/CER portfolio consistent with: i) Customer contract provisions; ii) instructions issues by the Market/System Operator (MSO)An entity that combines the functions of the Market Operator... and/or Distribution System Operator (DSO)A future-oriented set of capabilities required in a high-CER...; and, iii) the Dynamic Operating Envelope (DOE)Distinct from Static Operating Envelopes, DOE’s provide Dy... information pertaining to each Customer;
- Mitigate or avoid the uncertainties of non-delivery from a single Customer so that the services provided to the relevant markets are reliable;
- Prevent Customers from being unduly exposed to the risks involved in participating in the above markets; and,
- Administer payments and invoicing associated with the delivery and receipt of services.