Instructions issued by the Market/System Operator (MSO)An entity that combines the functions of the Market Operator..., Distribution System Operator (DSO)A future-oriented set of capabilities required in a high-CER... and/or AggregatorAn Entity that brings together and Orchestrates a fleet of E... that either provide directives or targets for participating Energy ResourcesA universal term for all technologies that provide one or se... and Active CER/DERConsumer Energy Resources (CER/DER) capable of automatically... to alter their operating behaviour.
The term generally means ordering Energy Resources to produce a set amount of output PowerElectrical represents rate at which Energy is transferred th... for a set duration of time. The setpoint may be adjusted periodically either via a pre-agreed schedule or as the result of shorter-term factors such as to maintain system FrequencyThe number of cycles occurring in each second in an Alternat... and/or Supply-Demand BalanceWhere the amount of Electricity provided by Generation Plant.... This can include setting Ramp RatesThe rate at which Generation Plant can alter its output. I... for relevant plant and storing excess capacity in bulk Energy StorageVarious means of storing energy, either directly or indirect.... Dispatch may also include the adjustment of operational setpoints up or down.
Which parties have the authority to Dispatch specific Energy Resources will largely depend on the Power System ArchitectureAn integrated set of disciplines that support the structural... decisions made in each jurisdiction.